We collaborated in the implementation of the different street cleaning services in districts number 7 (Horta-Guinardó) and 8 (Nou Barris) of the city of Barcelona. Cartography generation and creation of a geographic database were carried out, in compliance with the requirements of the Administration in charge of urban services.

Mapped services:
o Sweepings (manual, maintenance, motorized manual, mechanical, mixed).
o Washing.
o Complementary cleaning of stains, chewing gum, viewpoints or picnic areas, outside of containers, roadways and communication routes.
o Cleaning of green areas
o Brigades of diverse actions
o Other specific services (immediate cleaning, replacement of litter garbage cans, cleaning and painting of litter garbage cans, various actions, etc.).
Brief description:
Work was done on the generation and implementation of a geospatial database, providing the capacity to store and organize the whole set of itineraries in a structured way. Along with this, and due to the large number of plans required, we worked on the automated generation of plans for the correct follow-up of the itineraries by the operators.
Both works were carried out for high season and low season, so the differences in the planning and frequency of services depending on the date on which they were carried out were taken into account.

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