Work was carried out to support the cartographic generation and routing of the bid for the western lot of the domestic waste collection and transportation service and complementary services in various municipalities in the province of Badajoz (PROMEDIO consortium), using Geographic Information Systems tools.

The municipalities adhered to this West lot are: La Albuera, Alburquerque, Alconchel, Barbaño, Barcarrota, Carmonita, Cheles, La Codosera and pedanías, Cordobilla de Lácara, Entrín Bajo and Entrín Alto, Feria, Fregenal de la Sierra, Guadajira, Higuera de Vargas, Higuera la Real, Jerez de los Caballeros, Lobón, Montijo, La Morera, La Nava de Santiago, Nogales, Oliva de la Frontera, La Parra, Puebla de la Calzada, Puebla de Obando, Pueblonuevo del Guadiana, La Roca de la Sierra, Salvaleón, Salvatierra de los Barros, Santa Marta de los Barros, Talavera la Real, Táliga, Valdelacalzada, Valencia del Mombuey, Valle de Matamoros, Valle de Santa Ana, Villalba de los Barros, Villanueva del Fresno, Villar del Rey and Zahínos.
Mapped services:
o Collection of residual waste.
o Collection of organic waste.
o Collection of light packaging waste.
o Collection of paper and cardboard waste.
Brief description:
The works encompassed the layout of the routes for each of the itineraries, taking into account the optimal order of the municipalities, and the generation of an interactive map, complying with the requirements of the State Contracting Platform, which allows selecting within the same PDF the itinerary in particular for the correct monitoring by the operators.

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